San Diego Gas and Electric

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is a utility covering much of southern California.


Utility ID: SDG&E (this is the utility identifier you use in our API)

The documentation on this page covers the unique data and behavior you will see for this utility. Usually, each section is linked directly from elsewhere in the documentation, so you don't have to read through everything on this page unless it is relevant to you from elsewhere in the docs.

To see what data can be collected for this utility, click here.

Below are the list of tariffs you will likely see in Base Meter Block service_tariff and Base Bill Block service_tariff values for this utility. You can also programmatically download this list of tariffs on the GET /files/known_tariffs_json endpoint. We update this list regularly as we see new tariffs.

SAID is based on the "Account Number" listed in the bills. "Account Number" is extracted from the service section (example1) or top header (example2). For some services, meter number is also used to construct SAID in order to uniquely identify each service.

Service Type SAID Format Example
  • {account_number}
  • {account_number}-{meter_number}
  • 5566134002
  • 5566134002-55667
  • Gas
  • {account_number}_gas
  • {account_number}_gas_{meter_number}
  • 123456777_gas
  • 123456777_gas_00996
  • Example SDG&E bill
    Example SDG&E bill

    Documentation for the sdge_details bill_block. Currently, we only support voltage level.

    Attribute Format Description Example Gotchas
    voltage String or null The voltage that SDG&E reports for the service. This can be null if the voltage is not reported on the bill or for older activations. In the latter case, you can try refreshing "Secondary"
     Extensible: We may extend this object type in the future, so be able to handle unknown attributes gracefully.
    // SD&E Details Bill Block example
        "voltage": "Primary Substation",

    The sdge_nem_details block breaks out information from the Net Energy Metering Summary section present on certain SDG&E bills.

    Attribute Format Description Example Gotchas
    nem_charges Float or null The total charges billed in this period 21055.9 This field corresponds to the "Billing Charges" column on NEM-FC bills
    nem_credits Float or null The total NEM credits earned this billing period -4412.5 This field corresponds to the "Generation Credits" column on NEM-FC bills
    applied_credits Float or null Any NEM credits that were applied to a bill this period -0.09 This field is null for NEM-FC bills
    remaining_credits Float or null Any NEM credits remaining after this bill -501.06 This field is null for NEM-FC bills
    billing_kwh Float or null The total kWh billed in this period 119042.6 This field will be null except for NEM-FC bills
    generation_kwh Float or null The total generated energy this billing period -7311.2 This field will be null except for NEM-FC bills
    total_kwh Float The net energy used this billing period -105.2
    cumulative_balance Float or null The present total balance of all NEM charges and credits for this account 511.0
    system_size_kw Float The generating system size in kW 110.0
    start_date ISO8601 The date when NEM started for this service 2019-09-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00
    true_up_date ISO8601 The date of the next NEM True-Up 2021-03-18T00:00:00.000000+00:00
    version String or null The version of NEM used for this service "2.0" Very old bills may have a version of null if the version isn't listed on the bill
     Extensible: We may extend this object type in the future, so be able to handle unknown attributes gracefully.