UtilityAPI, version 2, is easy! Below are brief descriptions of our API endpoints. If you're not clear on how to use these endpoints, head over to the Quickstart to get a brief introduction to using UtilityAPI.
APIv2 URLs: https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/...
Templates are the base formatting object for our authorization forms.
List or search your templates
Get a specific template
Forms are individual authorization forms that you can send to utility customers.
List or search your forms
Create a new form
Get a specific form
Modify an existing form
Delete a form
Simulate a user submitting a form
Authorizations are submitted by utility customers.
List or search your authorizations
Get a specific authorization
Modify an existing authorization
Delete a authorization (test-submits only)
Revoke an authorization (deletes all meters and data)
Meters are the utility services for an authorized utility customer.
List or search your meters
Get a specific meters
Modify an existing meters
Collect historical billing and interval data for some meters
Start or stop monitoring meters for new bills and intervals
Bills are the utility bills for an authorized utility customer.
List or search your bills
Intervals are the meter usage intervals for an authorized utility customer.
List or search your intervals
Files are raw or formatted data linked to by other objects in the API.
Get a raw file referenced elsewhere in the API
Events are webhook events that are created during authorization and data collection.
List or search your events
Get a specific event
Modify an existing event
NOTE: We're in the process of rolling out the accounting API to all of the utilities we support. Accounting information is currently only available for AEPIM, Ameren, AustinEnergy, BLUEWATER, ComEd, ConEd, Duke, ENERGYCO, EPE, ESSEX, EVERSOURCE, EVRSRC, FPL, IEDR, LADWP, LAKEFRONT, NATGD, PCE, PEPCO, PG&E, PPL, PSEG, SCE, SDG&E, SRP, SSMPUC, SVCE, SWEPCO, SoCalGas, TEP, and WELLAND.
In addition to billing data, we provide accounting data like billing account metadata and payments made to the utility.
Billing accounts are our representation of the information the utility uses to bill their customers.
List or search your billing accounts
Get a specific billing account
Billing summaries are summaries of payment-related information - usually collected from utility bills.
List or search your billing summaries
Get a specific billing summary