Billing Account Notes

We do everything we can to check the values that appear in a Billing Account but sometimes the utility simply doesn't provide the information we need or the information they do provide is conflicting. In these circumstances, we add a note to the billing account to make it clear that something is amiss so you can double-check the values against the source documents.

Attribute Format Description Example
type Note Type The type of note. See list below for list of types. "billing_summaries_strange"
msg String A human readable description of the note. It may be tweaked often, so don't rely on it always staying the same for a given type. "Some of the billing summaries had unexpected information and didn't pass our audits. The listed fields should be considered suspect."
ts ISO8601 The timestamp of note. "2016-01-01T12:30:24.653422+00:00"
Extra attributes based on type (see below).
// Example strange note
    "type": "billing_summaries_strange",
    "billing_summary_note_type": "audit_failed_on_new_charges",
    "billing_summary_statement_date": "2016-01-31:17:00:00.000000+00:00",
    "billing_summary_uid": "123456",
    "msg": "One of the billing summaries has new charges that don't add up. Please double check to make sure the data is correct.",
    "ts": "2018-04-24T11:04:21.481999+00:00",
Type Description Additional Attributes
billing_summaries_strange Some of the billing summaries had unexpected information and didn't pass our audits. The listed fields should be considered suspect.
  • billing_summary_note_type - BillingSummaryNoteType - The type of note on the affected billing summary
  • billing_summary_statement_date - ISO8601 - The statement date of the relevant billing summary
  • billing_summary_uid - UID - The UID of the billing summary with the note
 Extensible: We may add variants to this enumeration type in the future, so be able to handle unknown values gracefully.