Bill Notes

You will see these Bill notes in the Bill['notes'] list.

We do our best to automatically check the values we find on utility bills but sometimes the structure of a particular bill makes this impossible. In these situations, we add a note to the bill to make it clear that the math is a little strange so that you can double-check the source document to make sure the data is correct.

Attribute Format Description Example
type Note Type The type of note. See list below for list of types. "audit_failed_on_tiers"
msg String A human-readable description of the note. These descriptions may change often or customized for each instance, so don't rely on it staying the same for any given type. "The tiers items for this bill do not add up to the total usage."
ts ISO8601 The timestamp of the note. "2018-04-24T12:34:56.102359+00:00"
 Extensible: We may extend this object type in the future, so be able to handle unknown attributes gracefully.
// Example line items audit failure note
    "type": "audit_failed_on_line_items",
    "msg": "The line items on this bill do not add up to the bill total.",
    "ts": "2017-01-21T12:32:42.102367+00:00",
// Example tier audit failure note
    "type": "audit_failed_on_tiers",
    "msg": "The usage tiers on this bill do not add up to the total usage.",
    "ts": "2018-03-01T17:04:21.502339+00:00",
Type Description Additional Attributes
audit_failed_on_total_kWh The bill data used to audit total_kwh don't make sense. (e.g meter usage used to audit total_kwh have strange start and end readings).
audit_failed_on_line_items This bill's line items don't add up to the total dollar amount on the bill.
audit_failed_on_tiers The usage tiers on this bill does not make sense (e.g. may not add up to the total usage).
audit_failed_on_tou The Time of Use data on this bill does not make sense (e.g. may not add up to the total usage).
audit_failed_on_demand The demand value on this bill does not make sense.
bill_dates_strange The bill dates on this bill do not make sense.
charges_readings_date_mismatch The charges and readings appear to be for different periods.
supplier_said_mismatch The suppliers block for this bill indicates a different SAID but we're fairly sure that it's for the correct service.
line_item_quantity_strange Line items in this bill appear to have strange or mismatched units or volumes. Please double-check the source file to make sure the bill data is correct.
unknown_tariff This bill has a tariff we don't recognize.
 Extensible: We may add variants to this enumeration type in the future, so be able to handle unknown values gracefully.