Deleting Forms

Delete a specific Form.

# Delete a Form
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \

No request body is required.

Returns a Success object.

// Example result
    "success": true
Code Response Format Description
200 Success Successful request.
401 Error Invalid or missing access_token. See our docs on Authentication for how to properly use your access_token.
404 Error This Form doesn't exist or you don't have permissions to see it.
429 N/A The request was rate limited. Check the Retry-After response header for how long to wait until retrying the request. Do not expect any specific response format for this error (could be html, json, or nothing).
500 N/A Internal server error. Do not expect any specific response format for this error (could be html, json, or nothing). This error is logged and will be fixed by our engineers.
503 N/A Site is currently down for maintenance. Do not expect any specific response format for this error (could be html, json, or nothing).
504 N/A We tried to build this request but timed out. Please try again later. Do not expect any specific response format for this error (could be html, json, or nothing).