Our goal is to make UtilityAPI as simple as possible to both use as a website and integrate your apps, tools, platforms, backends, potatoes, etc. Getting utility bill and usage data should be an instant and effortless experience!
This documentation describes how to interact with our API. Below are sections for authorization, data formats, and API endpoints. Hopefully, by the time you're through here, you will have your black-belt in UtilityAPI-fu.
# Create a blank form (returns form_uid 1234) curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \ 'https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/forms' # Simulate someone submitting an authorization (returns referral_code ABCDEFG) curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \ -d '{"utility": "DEMO", "scenario": "residential"}' \ 'https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/forms/1234/test-submit' # Get Authorizations and Meters associated with the referral code (includes meter_uid 44445555) curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \ 'https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/authorizations?referrals=ABCDEFG&include=meters' # Activate the meter to collect historical data curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \ -d '{"meters": ["44445555"]}' \ 'https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/meters/historical-collection' # Download bills for the meter curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE' \ 'https://utilityapi.com/api/v2/bills?meters=44445555'