Billing Summary Notes

We do everything we can to check the values that appear in a Billing Summary but sometimes the utility simply doesn't provide the information we need or the information they do provide is conflicting. In these circumstances, we add a note to the billing summary to make it clear that something is amiss so you can double-check the values against the source documents.

Attribute Format Description Example
type Note Type The type of note. See list below for list of types. "audit_failed_on_new_charges"
msg String A human readable description of the note. It may be tweaked often, so don't rely on it always staying the same for a given type. "This billing summary's new charges don't add up to the new account balance. Please double check the source file to make sure the billing summary data is correct."
ts ISO8601 The timestamp of note. "2016-01-01T12:30:24.653422+00:00"
Extra attributes based on type (see below).
// Example new charges audit failure note
    "type": "audit_failed_on_new_charges",
    "msg": "This billing summary's new charges don't add up to the new account balance. "
            "Please double check the source file to make sure the billing summary data is correct.",
    "ts": "2017-01-21T12:32:42.102367+00:00",
Type Description Additional Attributes
audit_failed_on_new_charges This billing summary's new charges don't add up to the new account balance. Please double check the source file to make sure the billing summary data is correct.
previous_balances_strange This billing summary's previous balances and payments don't add up. Please double-check the source file to make sure the billing summary data is correct.
 Extensible: We may add variants to this enumeration type in the future, so be able to handle unknown values gracefully.