Release Notes January 2025

New Utility Coverage: El Paso Electric (EPE)

You can now access Meter, Bill, and Interval data quickly and securely from EPE utility customers through our Green Button OAuth method. Registration is required to use this data access method.
- Where you can get data from: Texas and New Mexico
- Type of data you can access: Meter, Bill, and Interval data. Bill PDFs are currently unavailable.
- Data Access Method: Green Button OAuth
How to register for EPE’s Green Button OAuth:
- Go to
- Fill out the third-party registration form and click “submit”
- Await approval email from EPE admin (usually up to 3 days)
New Utility Coverage: Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO)

You can now access Meter, Bill, and Interval data quickly and securely from SWEPCO utility customers through our Green Button OAuth method. Registration is required to use this data access method.
- Where you can get data from: Texas and Louisiana
- Type of data you can access: Meter, Bill, and Interval data. Bill PDFs are currently unavailable.
- Data Access Method: Green Button OAuth
How to register for SWEPCO’s Green Button OAuth:
- Go to
- Fill out the third-party registration form and click “submit”
- Await approval email from SWEPCO admin (usually up to 3 days)
Enhanced utility coverage table

We’ve redesigned our Utility Coverage Table to help you find the utility data you need more efficiently. You can now easily filter by:
- Data Access Methods: Search by Green Button options such as Proxy, Hosting, or OAuth.
- Utility Status: Identify whether a utility is active or in beta status for better planning.
- Data Types: Discover utilities based on supported data types, including Interval, Accounting, Meter, and Billing data.
- Country: Toggle between our United States and Canada utility coverage.
Latest authorization form updates

The authorization form has been updated to display your company’s name instead of your account’s email address. This makes it easier for your customer to recognize who is requesting access to their utility data.
Latest improvement to Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

SCE customers enrolled in Multifactor Authentication (MFA) will now see a pop-up in the data authorization process prompting them to opt out of MFA.