Station A Accelerates Real Estate Clean Energy Projects with UtilityAPI

The Problem
The Station A team spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars gathering customer utility bills and outputs from building management software to complete feasibility studies for a customer’s real estate property.
The Solution
Using UtilityAPI’s meter, bill, and interval products, Station A can collect the utility data needed to complete customer feasibility studies in a matter of minutes. As a result, Station A is cutting its own expenses and eliminating 2 to 3 hours of work per feasibility study.
“Without UtilityAPI, the status quo process in figuring out a building’s energy consumption would be time-intensive, expensive, and ultimately limit our ability to scale the decarbonization of the commercial building sector.”
Kevin Berkemeyer, CEO
The Story
Founded in 2018, Station A helps real estate owners and long-term tenants quickly identify and install solar, battery, and EV charging projects. With a simple address list, Station A’s software takes a real estate portfolio through a three-step process:
- Portfolio Evaluation: Highlights all potential clean energy projects and initiatives a real estate portfolio could pursue, including onsite clean energy projects, incentive programs, and community solar initiatives.
- Feasibility Study: Incorporates building-level utility bill data, interval data, and building management software data to enhance the estimates established at the portfolio level.
- Request for Proposal/Qualification: Lists the agreed-upon clean energy projects on Station A’s marketplace of thousands of vendors qualified to complete the work.
This comprehensive, end-to-end process makes it simple for real estate owners to invest in clean energy, reduces the burden for vendors responding to projects, and ensures all stakeholders operate from the same source of truth. However, to provide a seamless customer experience, and obtain more accurate proposals from clean energy Providers throughout their network, Station A needs reliable access to different types of customer utility data. Since 2019, they’ve entrusted UtilityAPI to do just that.
Station A Saves ~3 hours per fesibility study with UtiltiyAPI
Station A collects standardized customer utility data across 4 states and 6 utilities.
Station A can analyze up to 24 months of customer bill and interval data with a click of a button.
By leveraging UtilityAPI’s meter, bill, and interval products via the company’s easy-to-use dashboard, Station A can collect all the data needed to complete customer feasibility studies and run high-quality RFPs on their marketplace.
Using UtilityAPI’s meter product, Station A receives authorization to pull a comprehensive list of meters associated with a customer’s utility account and portfolio. This meter list enables Station A to ensure the correct data is being matched to a specific property and confirm eligibility for applicable utility incentive programs.
From there, Station A leverages UtilityAPI’s bill and interval products to collect monthly and daily usage and cost information by meter, which can then be aggregated at the building or portfolio level in their software.
Kevin Berkemeyer, CEO“When we obtain data from UtilityAPI, our team knows they’re getting accurate, recent data that we can confidently use to help clean energy projects go to market faster.”
By leveraging UtitlityAPI’s products across numerous utility service territories, Station A ensures high data integrity while reducing the time and cost of generating customer feasibility studies.
Together, Station A and UtilityAPI are bringing clean energy solutions to buildings nationwide.