
Hooray! Just one step and you can send your first data request!

This is your first name.
This is your last name.
This is your company email. It will also be your username when you login.
This is the name of the company you work for.
This is sector your company is in. You can write multiple sectors if you want.
This is the password you will use to login.
This is the password you will use to login.

If you have been told a coupon code, you can input it here.
Unknown plan

See more details and features on our pricing

Choose this plan

KiloWatt Subscription

Ideal for individuals
$49 per month
Data Requests:
Free, unlimited
Historical Collections:
Free, up to 5 per month
($12 per meter after that)
Choose this plan

MegaWatt Subscription

Ideal for small teams
$249 per month
Data Requests:
Free, unlimited
Historical Collections:
Free, up to 25 per month
($11 per meter after that)
Choose this plan

GigaWatt Subscription

Ideal for companies
$2500 per month
Data Requests:
Free, unlimited
Historical Collections:
Free, up to 250 per month
($10 per meter after that)
Choose this plan


For ad-hoc and occasional use
No monthly charge
Data Requests:
Free, unlimited
Historical Collections:
$15 per meter (no discount)

Payment Method

This is your credit card number. Your card number is encrypted using Stripe, a PCI Service Provider Level 1 payment processor. They accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
The 2-digit month your credit card expires.
The 4-digit year your credit card expires.
This is your credit card security code (CVC), which is usually the 3 or 4 digit code printed on the back of your card or beside your credit card number.
This is the name on your credit card.
This is the 5-digit billing zip code associated with your credit card.

Total: $49.00

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